Plastic Free July: Explore how Switters iced coffee helps remove plastic from our oceans

Plastic Free July: Explore how Switters iced coffee helps remove plastic from our oceans

Plastic Free July. Protect the oceans with Switters Iced coffee cans.

At Switters, we believe in making a positive impact on the environment while enjoying our favorite beverage! We're mid-way through Plastic Free July and we are excited to share our commitment to reducing plastic waste and promoting sustainable practices. Join us on this journey as we dive into how Switters is making a difference and providing delicious iced coffee options with a conscience.

Greenspark partnership

We have partnered with Greenspark, a remarkable organization dedicated to tackling plastic pollution in our oceans. With every online purchase you make, Switters and Greenspark work together to remove five plastic bottles from ocean waters. Together, we support projects by The Plastic Bank, which empowers individuals in communities affected by plastic pollution by turning plastic waste into a valuable source of income. Learn more about this inspiring partnership here: Doing Our Part

Flash Brew cans vs. Plastic takeaway cups

Could aluminum cans be the newest coffee wave? One of the ways we actively contribute to reducing plastic waste is through our choice of packaging. We began serving our specialty iced coffee in 12oz aluminum cans in May of 2020. Why? Because we aim to minimize the use of plastic cups, lids, and straws that are commonly associated with consuming your favorite coffee beverages! By embracing aluminum cans, we offer a more sustainable alternative that is recyclable, lightweight, and preserves the flavors of our expertly crafted iced coffee.

Dive into #PlasticFreeJuly

Plastic-Free July is an opportunity for all of us to reevaluate our consumption habits and make conscious choices to reduce plastic waste. We invite you to join us on this mission by opting for Switters' iced coffee in our eco-friendly aluminum cans! Not only will you enjoy the rich and refreshing flavors of our specialty brews, but you'll also be taking a step towards a plastic-free future.

To celebrate our 1year of being an earth positive buisness and Plastic Free july, our goal is to reach 2,000 Plastic bottles rescued from our oceans by the end of the month.

  • In 12 months we have diverted 1,365 plastic bottles from ocean waters across the globe. 
  • Every online purchase = 5 plastic bottles rescued thanks to Greenspark & Plastic Bank.
  • 127 online orders would divert the remaining 635 plastic bottles!

This is HUGE! As a small business operating in the heart of Nashville, TN we never dreamed we could make this kind of global impact. Thanks you our amazing customers we have been able to give back to several communities across the globe and even in our hometown!

Get Involved: Share Your Plastic Free Journey on Socials

As you sip on your favorite Switters iced coffee, share your support of plastic-free living by using the hashtag #PlasticFreeJuly and tag @switterscoffee. Spread the word about the importance of reducing plastic waste and inspire others to make a positive impact on the environment!

Together, let's raise our cans, make a difference, and enjoy our favorite brews with a clear conscience. Cheers to a plastic-free future!



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